Corporate social responsibility policy

Corporate social responsibility company policy of Sunfert S.A.


Policy purpose

The objective and focus of this policy are to set high standards for sustainable economic growth in fertilizer industry i.e. preservation of environment, occupational health and safety, respect for human rights, empowerment and community life. 

For our company, social responsibility means facilitating communities and empowering its people. Gradually Sunfert S.A. started interventions in most of the defined sectors and has developed a history of about 20 years of contributions to society.

It is necessary to standardize the interventions and monitor the quality of interventions at a central level. Keeping the vision of a responsible corporate entity in mind.

Sunfert S.A. believes social responsibility efforts are embodied in consistent application of its core values which outline its commitment to conduct business in a socially responsible and ethical manner, support universal human rights, protect the environment, maximize the positive impact of its business on the community, respect culture in which it operates and integrates social, environmental and economic considerations in its decision-making process and actions. 

At Sunfert S.A., Corporate Social Responsibility encompasses the following elements: 

  1. Business Ethics and Transparency.
  2. Employee Relations and Workplace Practices.
  3. Health and Safety.
  4. Community Relations.


  1. Business Ethics and Transparency.

Sunfert S.A. is doing business in ways that are transparent, ethical, demonstrate high personal integrity and respect for the rights of individuals. It undertakes to: 

- Respect the rule of law. Make commitments that can be honored. Desist in consciously misleading and involving in unacceptable practices. 

- Contribute towards social causes, economic growth and preservation of environment provide quality products that are safe for their intended use. 

- Endeavor to provide all Group members with accurate and timely information to facilitate understanding and support for company business.

- Discourage and work against all forms of corruption including extortion and bribery etc.

We always conduct business with integrity and respect for human rights. 


  1. Employee Relations and Workplace Practices.

We meet legislation for being an Equal Opportunities Employer as per the Human Rights Act 2010. Sunfert S.A. adhere to the terms of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, designed to protect workers from slavery-like conditions and ensure their human rights are being upheld.

Sunfert S.A. has adopted strong employment, labor and worker protection principles that apply to our employees. Sunfert S.A. prohibits workplace harassment and we respect workers’ freedom to associate, which assures we respect the ability of employees to choose whether or not to join unions and engage in collective bargaining, as permitted by applicable laws in the countries where Sunfert S.A. does business. We prohibit the use of forced and bonded labor, which we interpret as slavery and human trafficking, or the employment of children under 16 years of age, or the minimum age established by local law if older. Sunfert S.A. takes all necessary steps to assure the occupational health and safety of our workers and the safety of the communities in which we operate.

Sunfert S.A. observes the following principles in obtaining a congenial work environment that fosters professional harmony, excellence and competencies:

- Be an equal opportunity employer. Eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. 

- Establish fair labor practices and respect for all workers and staff. Uphold freedom of association and recognize the right to collective bargaining. Eliminate all forms of forced and child labor. 

- Provide training in company. We also actively carry out educational programs for employees. At the employee's request, the company funds professional development courses regardless of their position and current responsibilities.

Sunfert S.A. organizes employees' participation in agricultural fairs, provides staff attending of international exhibitions, conferences and contests in order to improve their qualification level. Company facilitates the conduct of scientific research and field studies by company employees in conjunction with institutes and universities around the world.

- Stimulate career development within the company. We believe it is essential to provide a work climate that: encourages the initiative of each employee, boosts individual capabilities, and provides equal opportunities.

- Use human resources with skills and experience matched against those required for the work to be performed. 

- Support and respect for internationally proclaimed human rights. Make sure not to be complicit in human rights abuses.

- Rely on total commitment of all employees. 

- Maintain fair and competitive terms and conditions of employment. Provide opportunities for training and development.


  1. Health and Safety.

Sunfert S.A. recognizes the crucial importance of health and safety issues and therefore, undertakes to: 

- Satisfy legal requirements, national or international relevant to company business. All employees consider health and safety matters to be critical and integral to their respective functions. 

- Provide a healthy, safe and secure working environment. 

- Encourage and involve employees in health and safety matters that affect their work. 

- Adopt a systematic approach to health and safety in order to achieve continuous improvement in performance. 

We will ensure that we: don't risk the health and safety of our employees and community; avoid harming the lives of local and indigenous people; support diversity and inclusion.

Our company is dedicated to protecting human rights. We are a committed equal opportunity employer and will abide by all fair labor practices. We’ll ensure that our activities do not directly or indirectly violate human rights in any country (e.g. forced labor).


  1. Community Relations.

Sunfert S.A. supports empowerment, which entails providing people with training, education, and opportunities to allow help themselves. This would help improve economic environment of the community through creation of wealth and jobs, business opportunities and philanthropy. It therefore, is obliged to: 

- Promote social values and humanitarian causes. 

- Promote and patronize actions/activities toward the cause of education, health, civic amenities, poverty alleviation, environment preservation and social justice. 

- Support arts, culture, sports and institutions (schools, universities, think tanks, research and cultural institutions) that enrich public and community life.

- Support and/or sponsor seminars, conferences, symposia on matters relating to national interest, social issues, culture and well being of the community.

- Actively invest in R&D. We will be open to suggestions and listen carefully to ideas. Our company will try to continuously improve the way it operates.

Our company is committed to the United Nations Global Compact. We will readily act to promote our identity as a socially aware and responsible business. Management must communicate this policy on all levels. Managers are also responsible for resolving any CSR issues.



This CSR Policy is applicable to all directors, officers and employees of Sunfert S.A.. All contractors, subcontractors and individuals acting in any capacity for or on behalf of  Sunfert S.A. should be made aware of the CSR Policy.